
Apr 7, 2021
Hi all,

Newbie here to hatching eggs with a bator (so much less worry/fuss with a broody. šŸ˜ƒ). I'm on my second hatch and was wondering what temperature is too hot or too cool for a forced air incubator? I have the Hovabator 2370 with an automatic turner. I just set the eggs this morning and have been taking temps inside the bator in various locations with my Brinsea Spot Check thermometer and noticed that, depending on location in the bator, I have temps anywhere from 98.3 F to 100.5 F. (I'm sticking thermometer through a vent hole so I don't alter the temp by lifting lid.) I plan to rotate eggs around the bator every 4-5 days but was wondering if those temps were going to be ok or if I should tweak the thermostat. What is too warm and what is too cool? My last hatch had about a 65-70% hatch rate which I was pleased with for a first time, but I had about 5 babies with what appeared to be minor umbilical hernias. I do know my humidity was way too high in the beginning of incubation for my previous hatch. I have since calibrated my hygrometer using the salt water method. I also know that the first week or so they were running at closer to 102F. (My previous hygrometer and thermometer were inaccurate) I want to be a responsible hatcher and do all that I can to reduce possible hatch/health issues. For this hatch I'm concerned with the large difference in temps. Do you think I'll be ok as long as I rotate eggs? Suggestions greatly welcome and appreciated. And thank you! I've learned so much from this forum already!
Im not any expert and am having different issues myself but I have been told that get your temp right in the incubator first (usually taken from somewhere in the middle, and stick with it. Once eggs go in the temp will fluctuate alot especially in the first few days. once you start tweaking with eggs in it, very hard to get the correct temp. Hope this helps.

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