What is 'tractoring' quail please?


11 Years
Nov 13, 2012
I need educating! The title says it all! To me a tractor is a powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment and trailers. So I'm not sure how this applies to quail! Can someone explain, with pictures if necessary! Thank you.
A chicken tractor is a smallish coop with an attached run. The small size allows you to 'tractor' your coop around the lawn to allow fresh grass in the run whenever necessary.
Here is mine. I tip it up on the right and drag it to the next location every two days. This gives the girls fresh greens and allows the old grass to grow back. This is a combined coop/run setup. I've seen where some people have a regular fixed coop and put the chickens into a lighter run-only tractor to move to different spots in the field.

The mobile coop is only good for small flocks (I have 3), while the mobile run-only can hold significantly more. This provides protected grazing during the day as regular fixed coop/run setups quickly strip all vegetation. Free ranging has the risk of leaving your girls open to predators.

I reinforced the value of this setup today. I heard the girls squawking at one point this morning. Looked out the window and a hawk was hopping around outside of their run. If they didn't have this setup, I probably would have lost one today.

Nice pics thank you. How do the birds not escape or get damaged when you move it. I think I know this system as a 'chicken ark'.... (UK)....
My tractor is heavy and fairly hard to move, so I gave up on my original idea of moving it and training them to walk safely inside the walls.

Instead, I generally let them out in the back yard (you can see the fence) to free-range for short periods. If the weather isn't very nice, I'll lock them in the coop area and then drag it along.
Just FYI. This is the opposite extreme from mine for a chicken tractor. They have about 50 chickens in theirs. They are raising meat chickens, so aren't worried about nice nesting areas. It is basically a large wood and wire box with a covered end for shade and bad weather.

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