What is wrong with Bo? (A boil?)


5 Years
May 21, 2019
Washington State, aka The pacific NorthWest
Hello, I do not usually post in this forum, but there is something wrong with my sweet Bootsie’s dad, Bo.

I discovered this boil like lump right at the base of Bo’s tail, It has swollen where his oil gland is, what is this and what can I do to help him? Thank you in advance!
Does it seem like the preen/oil gland is abscessed? It looks very angry and red. But it also looks like there could be a cyst. For oil gland abscesses, it can help to apply a warm wet compress for 15 minutes while holding the bird. Rewarm the water and keep the compress warm. If it seems to be abscessed try squeezing out a plug. Tumors can be common in this area. Here is some reading about preen glands and problems:

Does it seem like the preen/oil gland is abscessed? It looks very angry and red. But it also looks like there could be a cyst. For oil gland abscesses, it can help to apply a warm wet compress for 15 minutes while holding the bird. Rewarm the water and keep the compress warm. If it seems to be abscessed try squeezing out a plug. Tumors can be common in this area. Here is some reading about preen glands and problems:

Thank you so much, and yes, the gland does look very swollen!

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