What is wrong with this chick's foot?! (pics)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
NE Wisconsin
This is my "runt" white rock chick, who has been isolated from my other chicks for the past few days due to some concerns about its health. Tonight I noticed it flexing its right foot, and then limping around its cage. Is this some kind of infection? The underneath of this foot appears to be peeling. How should I proceed with treatment? There is nothing in its cage that could cause an injury (no wire floor!), and it is the one and only chick in that particular cage. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciative!
It almost looks like it's blistering doesn't it?

I've not seen anything like that on a chick so young.

I hope you get some answers soon.
Thanks for the support, Gritsar. I am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what it may be! It look the same tonight, and "Tweety" is still favoring it. I think this chick may have a compromised immune system... to develop something like that when it has lived all two and a half weeks of its life in a clean, cushy brooder!
I wish I could help more. I do not know what is causing the peeling skin. Never come across anything like it. Bumblefoot usually is comes with a lot more swelling and openess. I would put blue cote on it just to make sure it isn't getting pecked at even though it doesn't sound like that is an issue. Hopefully she'll work through it.
I still don't know what caused this injury, but he has fully recovered from whatever it was. The bump disappeared within a week. Just wanted to update everyone:)

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