What is wrong with this egg????


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 7, 2010
I have been getting an egg or so a day that looks like this. Anyone have any idea what could be causing it? The shell is hard, the egg is fine, the color is fine, just the shell looks like it has a hard time coming through the pipe line. Any comments?

Do you put oyster shell out for your chickens? Are they eating layer feed? I am not an expert but read on here recently of a similar case where the shells were wrinkled and it might indicate that they aren't getting enough calcium. You can also microwave their eggshells, crush them up, and give them back to them. I usually mix them into oatmeal that I give them a few mornings a week. Good luck! Hope this helps.
Have had a few of this type but patch is smaller. I also got 2 very weird ones from my RSL in less than 14 hours. She gave an egg that didn't have color on part of the shell and the shell was VERY hard and then she turned around and gave one that had no shell at all. She was separated from the others because she was being mean and had inflicted wounds on two younger hens. I'm assuming she was very upset and this was the outcome. Have your hens been stressed? Change in feed, water, anything controllable?
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Some chickens will just occasionally lay a gross egg. I could see stress making them pop out an egg to quickly, usually its a nutritional issue. Sometimes its just a fluke and only happens once in a blue moon. Mine have never done it but a friend of mine's does once in a while.
They eat layer feed, I also have a dish of oyster shell for them to eat as they need to. I also provide them with scratch grains and they free range all day long. I also started putting a little vinegar in their water. I find it strange because it just seems to be one hen that is doing this, out of 30. I don't think its a nutritional issue or the others would also do the same, I would think. We did have a visit from a hawk this past week and it killed two of my chickens but she was doing this before that happened. Respiratory issues? I don't know about that. I don't think so as they all seem very happy and healthy.

Thanks for all the replies! I appreciate it.

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