What is your flock's favorite food?

French bread, Watermelon, Raw penuts, and anything thats stupid enough to hop in the pen...
that's it. I am going home from work RIGHT NOW and make mine some ravioli with meat sauce. no angel hair for my Ms. Angel!!!! no no no. full bodied, double cheese ravioli! Who needs to spend their vacation time on vacation right? heck no. I am going to use mine to keep my girls happy!!!!!!!!

Who cares if my hubby is hungry and needs supper tonight right?????? gotta feed my ladies!!!!!


Oh yea, they like Captain Morgan and diet coke A LOT.

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They like everything lol. But mostly grapes,tomatoes,scraps,hay and muffins.
Oh yeah and they like to knock down my soda and drink it.
So I don't leave my soda in there anymore.

There was that one time we made them a sub..

Nonliving: BREAD. They'll abandon any food if they spot bread being tossed in.

Living: Anything except potato beetles and woolly worms. Slugs? Sure! June bugs, Japanese beetles, grasshoppers, grubs? Heck yes! *Said in a Napoleon Dynamite voice*
This thread is hilarious! Chickens will eat anything! Ours will come running when we toss anything new into "their" compost pile ( which is no longer a pile, as it was their "job" to spread it all over the yard). But they will chase us for mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, grapes, and leftover shrimp and cheeseburger tidbits.
I boiled around 20 Button eggs and fed some to the quail and all the rest to my chickens. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy and her babies ADORE button eggs! They gobble them up and then beg for more!

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