What Kind Are They? New Turkey Poults


Chickens.....are my ONE weakness!
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Southern New Mexico
Papa went to the feed store again and came home with four little turkey babies. Two of which have strikingly different colorations. Black with yellow faces and wing tips and their legs are black with white feet.

They were all marked "historical" turkeys, but the owner didn't know what kinds that meant.

Can anyone who has raised different kinds of turkeys help me? I'll gladly send you a photo if that would help, though I imagine someone will probably know by the discription.


Do they look like this???


If they do, they are black spanish I am pretty sure.

The other two look just like Farmgirl01's pictures (in another post) of Narragansett poults. I am thinking we may go back to the feed store and get a couple more of each kind to up the odds of getting one of each gender.

I think both breeds are gorgeous birds.

Wow those chicks are georgous!!! i have RP poults that came from my stock and they are all yellow. You are so lucky to get heratage turkeys, all anyone has around here are bbb or whites. Crystal
If anybody has an interest in raising and breeding Black Spanish, it's Extremely common for them to be crossed or mixed so birds pure for black are no longer common. Impure blacks show faint barring on the wings, some bronze off color feathers etc.

Heard a rumor that blacks are the least popular so the hatcheries aren't too movitated to keep pure stocks and often just cross blacks with bronzes and sell the blacks as "Black Spanish" for the orders and sell the rest as bronzes. Sad.

Would be great to see a few more people keeping and breeding for solid blacks..

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