What kind of Chickens are you breeding or do you Breed?

I don't intentionally breed but I'm incredibly intentional about breeds that I acquire in the event I get a rooster. My objective when I wind up with a Rooster is no barnyard mixes.
Interesting. All I've done so far with my chickens is intentional outbreeding for health reasons, for hybrid vigor. I would never want to keep a long pure line of anything
Interesting. All I've done so far with my chickens is intentional outbreeding for health reasons, for hybrid vigor. I would never want to keep a long pure line of anything
Different Objectives..... People around me want purebred chicks, not "I don't really know."
I am breeding Buff Orpingtons, probably some of the easiest to breed! Just wanted to see what everyone else is breeding also!
I don't even know anymore. got some feathery footed Rhode Island Red hybrids, they're black with brownish details in their feathers, and I had another one that had bright fiery orange patches, but she died.

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