What kind of Ducks DO YOU HAVE?

like i've got a choice
im breeding swedish and buff ducks and i just love them they are just gorgeous

here is my swedish pen


i have blue, black, and splash or bbs i have 8 of these

here is my buff pen


i only have 4 b/c there isnt alot of them in my area
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I have 2 runners, 1 Welsh Harlequin, 1 Rouen and they are spoiled! One of the runners is sitting in my dining room asleep right now...
I currently have...
1 buff duck-

1 buff/ mallard duck-

1 silver ancona duck-

1 pekin duck-

1 silver/ lavender runner duck-

1 buff/ fawn and white runner drakelet-
I have two cayugas. I love them. They are just so beautiful. They are a new addition and I thought I could pick their pen easily but it has been back ordered for 3 weeks now! Poor dears have to live in a dog cage in the middle of a buck goat's pen at night and then during the day they free range. TSC said that the pen, which is a dog kennel , should be in this week! Cross fingers!! That will be their night pen and free range during the day.
I had two crested blue swedish that were pretty nice but very LOUD so I gave them to a friend. I really didnt want to but didnt want the neighbors up in arms.
Currently I have four Indian Runners, one Silver Appleyard and one Rouen. My favorites are the three younger Indian Runners, they are in NO WAY frightened of me and always come running when they see me.
Its the food and water lady!!!
This past spring, my DD talked me into getting ducks (really). I was not looking forward to the mess that I heard so much about. We went to the feed store and bought 4 different varieties.
pekin, cayuga (has to be a banty duck, she is little), Khaki campbell and a swedish. How lucky could we have gotten, 3 are for sure laying eggs. Don't know who #3 is yet. Can't catch them in the act. Then we adopted a black runner. Now, I cant pick which one is better than the other. I love 'em all! Sorry, I'm not computer savvy so I don't post pics. Someday I'll learn.
They stay in a fully fenced in area right now until the chickens we have are old enough to go there then they will free range. I have a little pool in there pen area so they can go swimming when ever they want because it is really hot here. Here are my ducks, the brown one is more out doing and not as scared of everything, but I don't know what she is. She is LOUD once she starts quacking you can hear it anywhere
They both love to eat out of your hand, walk on your legs to get to the treats, be talked to, but just don't touch them.

Our 6 week old female Cocoa (brown one, unknown breed) and 8 week old male Ebony (black swedish)



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