What kind of Ducks DO YOU HAVE?

Depends on the personality to me not as much looks. I had a Khaki Campell Drake for 9 years he would my favorite duck I have ever had. He followed me everywhere.
Right now I have a Cayuga Drake and a Khaki Campbell Female. Their both sorta skiddish because when I was little I carried Cinnamon the drake around in my hoodie pocket everywhere and he was much more used to people and of course I don't put them in my pockets anymore.
I have 11 ducks....5 Ancona and 6 Golden Welsh Harlequins all VERY spoiled!





DuckFanatic - My Sasha has turned out to be a lavender ancona...her color is no longer than beautiful silver like your girl, when she is close and the sun hits her feathers, there is a definite blue/lavender tone to the feathers. I sent her pic to Dave Holderread and asked them...the reply was that she was a lavender. But that is okay too because I wanted a lavender so it worked out.
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So she is more of a "pinkish" grey color now? I'd love to see her!
I have noticed on my girl that she has gotten a lot darker over the past month or so and she might even be considered a blue now?
Did you get Dave's e-mail on his site? I may have to check that out
I love all the pix of everyone's ducks! I have 5 Mallards - 3 Drakes & 2 Hens. They are 2 1/2 months old. We ordered them as a Straight Run so didn't know what we were getting. My husbands friend has ducks also and he's willing to take one of our drakes. Waiting to see it another has to go as they mature. They stay with the chickens all the time. They actually get very upset if we separate them from the chix. We have the lower end of the run in gravel with a landscaping pond for them and they also use a galvanized bowl to wade in. They are hilarious. They occasionally take "field trips" to the family swimming pool and have a ball diving and when they are done they fly out and walk to the run and join the chickens again.
4 Welsh Harlequins, 1 runner and a buff/khaki mutt. All spoiled rotten.

They have a secure night pen but roam the back yard all day with access to a pond.



I'm just in love with runners and silkies.

2 f/w runners - hens
1 blue runner - hen
4 black runners - 3 hens / 1 drake
4 black silkies - 2 hens / 2 drakes

I'll get current pictures up later. Right now it is very gray out and raining.
kcardella ,
The ducks are so cute.But I really wanted to compliment you on the absolutely,spotless,clean pen.I am meticulous about my chicken coop and run.It takes time,but sure smell better,huh? Sunbury Chick,Ohio:):

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