What kind of predator do I have?


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
We moved this week and set up our chickens in their electric net fence. Now, I'm losing a silkie a day and can't figure out what kind of predator I have here. I find a pile of feathers and the carcass picked down to the bone. It leaves the feet and legs. I'm pretty sure they are being killed in broad daylight. Could it be some sort of hawk?
Sadly you have a breed that is more likely to attract predators and also succumb to the attack . Besides the usual hanging CDs , spinners , and your own watchfulness ; giving them some low bushes or artificial cover and hoping the roos grow educated in watching the sky to alarm the flock of threats is about it as long as you want them out in an uncovered run .
I was thinking maybe a cat? Perhaps putting a raised platform in their run would be helpful. This would give them something to run to and under when the need arose. Sorry you are loosing your chickens!!!
When I had the hawk problems, it was only because My old dog went on permanent vacation. While I was trying to get another dog, I hung up numerous pie pans and cd's plus was on watch for many weeks...When I say watch, I mean I was actually outside with them most of the day. Mine free range so there is no run to cover and I have about 3 acres that the chickens like to roam. Also Ive got pleantly of roos and alot of places for them to hide if needed...Ive gotten another dog a few months ago and havent lost one to a hawk since...Good luck

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