What made you happy today?

You are interfering with their ability to control their body temperature. You think it's cute. I think it's animal cruelty.
I appreciate your concern. The chicks only wear it for a moment, while I'm taking their picture and holding them. They do not wear it in the brooder or at anywhere else for that matter.
Yeah they totally were! I was so tempted to buy one of his juveniles. :lau

NOT what I need right now though.
I get that. Like when I'm staring at the baby ducks in the feedstore and saying, "I can't have any. It's not what I need." I have to mutter that to myself all the way home 😂
I get that. Like when I'm staring at the baby ducks in the feedstore and saying, "I can't have any. It's not what I need." I have to mutter that to myself all the way home 😂
Yup, and also when I'm at the feed store admiring all the adorable Leeverite baby bunny rabs. You know as in "Leeverite" there!
Morning was “productive” afternoon was less so… discovered a serious E.R. Event for my truck that’s a huge downer.

Major oil leak that, almost killed the truck.
The “little” good news *part 1* is that I have found out it is something “I have the tools & skills to fix tomorrow” BUT, I’ worried I may not have the correct amount of time and warm weather to get the “band-aid” solved in a D.I.R.T.F.T. Method…..

So I’m honestly worried…… but, “little” good news *part 2* I am also optimystic that I *will* solve it. This is a realistic *fix* I can handle.

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