What made you happy today?

I’m sorry folks. This post was the antithesis of the spirit of this thread!

My thankfulness for today?
I have a 3…. Small tidbit… I hope this balances out my lawnmower error posting.

1) had a 45 minute, stress reducing call with my Aunt while waiting to talk with a DAV (Disabled American Veteran staff member)
2) had a good first talk with the DAV staffer.
3) I found a very good deal on 23 bags of cement (on a fluke)….
Is "cement" a new code word? Happy for points 1 and 2.
Is "cement" a new code word? Happy for points 1 and 2.
Nope. I’m building an upgraded wellhouse, this was a AD for 24 bags of 80lb cement for $50 … turned out to be 23 bags. Still at $2 a bag- that’s a great deal currently when they are currently $5.35 an 80lb bag at Lowe’s.

The PVC pipes are the footprint of the wellhouse plans (both widths)10’&12’x~20-22’ long.

So, nope. Not “code words.” Here’s a view with the chicken coop & run in the background…

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