What made you happy today?

My doctor did not do that although I was supposed to see a diabetes specialist but then I ended up in the hospital right before the appointment and then she switched to a different facility. I need to make a new appointment with the new one.
You use Google a lot. All of this information is freely available on the Internet.
Yeah but I wouldn’t have had any reason to believe or know that it was bad so I didn’t look it up
The information about caffeine is just one of the many things listed in any of the sites about controlling type 2 diabetes. It was one of the first things along with sugar that I cut out of my diet.
I haven’t really read much about it :oops: I’ll start though.
You should become an information junkie about your known conditions. I can't count how many hours I spent researching Graves' disease after I was diagnosed with it. Doctors are so overworked that they only get about 10-15 minutes with a patient, so they don't have time to tell you everything.

Please take care of yourself.
You should become an information junkie about your known conditions. I can't count how many hours I spent researching Graves' disease after I was diagnosed with it. Doctors are so overworked that they only get about 10-15 minutes with a patient, so they don't have time to tell you everything.

Please take care of yourself.
Yeah that makes sense! I’ll definitely start researching and being better, thank you. ❤️
I had been washing the deck down earlier and left the hose with a pistol grip nozzle on it lying by my chair while I had come in to eat. There was a big crazy fuss a going on and when my wife looked outside to check on it she went crazier laughing. A really big bad cornish cross rooster had somehow got tangled up in the nozzle and was shooting a stream of water into the overhang which was raining back down on his name sake. He just stood there and fussed about getting wet when he was doing it to himself. I sure would like to have gotten a video of that.

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