What made you happy today?

It’s yearly inspections here.
Here too for all cars over 3 years old.

Happy to share: We have an all electric now. And I love the yearly bill at the garage. Costs less than €100, 3 years on a row. Just for an update for the board computer (navigation) and a check on the electronics. Solar panels keeps it running for 90% of the time.
Higher investments, real low in maintenance.
Here too for all cars over 3 years old.

Happy to share: We have an all electric now. And I love the yearly bill at the garage. Costs less than €100, 3 years on a row. Just for an update for the board computer (navigation) and a check on the electronics. Solar panels keeps it running for 90% of the time.
Higher investments, real low in maintenance.
That’s awesome!!!
This is yesterday's sunrise.

The little crescent moon and bright star made me pretty darn happy, along with the beautiful colors and the peace and quiet of the moment. ✌️&🤍💙💛💙
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Enjoy! I find reading about others' reasons to be happy makes me happy too. Even the little things. Because when you get down to it, most of life is the little things.
I'm no where near caught up, but this thread made my day. It's so nice to be reminded that the little things can make a sad day better in so many ways. :love

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