What made you happy today?

We have had beautiful weather most of the week. Sunshine and relatively warm for December in Ohio. Sunny and 55° today. I was able to clean out the chickens one more time before winter really hits. And the ladies are only ten weeks old but I had them out in the backyard today. They did great and all put themselves to bed when the sun starting going down
Tonight is Newfoundland night at my house, my mum has some childhood friends over for the night, lots of Newfoundland music, mums homemade raisin brandy (her great gramma’s recipe), mum on the accordion, Clarence on the guitar.

It’s important to enjoy one’s heritage I feel. And wee Newfoundlanders know how to enjoy ourselves ❤️

Group from my families home town - as you see music is huge in my culture

We have had beautiful weather most of the week. Sunshine and relatively warm for December in Ohio. Sunny and 55° today. I was able to clean out the chickens one more time before winter really hits. And the ladies are only ten weeks old but I had them out in the backyard today. They did great and all put themselves to bed when the sun starting going down
It was the same here - extremely warm at 10c (50f). My snow is mostly melted, I call it a big tease, winter will return - but for now I am glorying in it! 😊🥰
`Saw a 'girl' today that we haven't seen in several years. A best friend of our daughter's she spent as much time at our house as at her own. Downside is it was at her father's funeral viewing.
How sad that it many times takes a tragedy to return people to each other - tis the way it seems. People grow apart and then back together again, ebbing and flowing like an ocean.

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