What made you happy today?

I work for a delivery company and I was making a delivery today when a little boy, about 3, came out with his grandpa. The boy patted my truck and said “wa at” (what’s that). I said, that is my truck. He said “oh cool”. He then pointed in side and said “wa ya got” and I said lots of Christmas gift. He then reached for my hand and said, “My see”. At this point me and grandpa were dying laughing. Grandpa took his hand and I waved and got back in my truck and we waved goodbye. That little guy made my day. I laughed about it every time I thought about it today.
How sad that it many times takes a tragedy to return people to each other - tis the way it seems. People grow apart and then back together again, ebbing and flowing like an ocean.
If we've raised them well, they have dared to move on and create their own lives. She now lives in Florida. This 'ditzy' kid has turned into a very successful entrepreneur . When I told her how proud we were of her, she started to cry.
Yesterday, the UPS truck pulled into my neighbor's drive, then backed up into my drive. I thought he was turning around. Nope, kept backing up. Nothing on order... hmmm... It was the annual coffee cake (not gf, sorry, Sally) from our investment guy.

I went out to meet the truck, so he wouldn't have to back up our hill (but he wouldn't have to turn around, because he thought to back in) or -- gasp! -- walk up to the house. I told him he was the first driver I'd ever seen do this. He said he'd been on this route for 3 years, didn't know there was another house back here.

This means: He read the address, knew it was NOT the house next door; he saw the number sign with arrow pointing to our driveway; and CAME TO THE CORRECT HOUSE!

I told him that our hill can get pretty slick in the winter, so if my phone number was on the package, he could call, and I'd walk out to meet him. He said he would walk it up to the house.

Tonight is Newfoundland night at my house, my mum has some childhood friends over for the night, lots of Newfoundland music, mums homemade raisin brandy (her great gramma’s recipe), mum on the accordion, Clarence on the guitar.

It’s important to enjoy one’s heritage I feel. And wee Newfoundlanders know how to enjoy ourselves ❤️

Group from my families home town - as you see music is huge in my culture

I remember singing along to this when I saw the Irish Rovers in concert many decades ago. I saw them in concert again a few years ago, and they were just as good then as they were the first time I saw them!
I work for a delivery company and I was making a delivery today when a little boy, about 3, came out with his grandpa. The boy patted my truck and said “wa at” (what’s that). I said, that is my truck. He said “oh cool”. He then pointed in side and said “wa ya got” and I said lots of Christmas gift. He then reached for my hand and said, “My see”. At this point me and grandpa were dying laughing. Grandpa took his hand and I waved and got back in my truck and we waved goodbye. That little guy made my day. I laughed about it every time I thought about it today.
Awww that is adorable and hilarious! Hahah
Five eggs today! And one was from an EE! On yhe first of December we started adding light to the hen house to give our hens 14 hours of light a day. At that point we were getting one or two eggs a day and had been for about two months. Based on prior years' experience I knew they would not start laying reliably until mid to late February, and I thought two months' vacation was plenty. I turn the light on at about 5 am when I walk the dog (stupid dog that won't go out without me although we have DOG DOORS!) :barnieand turn it off again at 7 pm. Five eggs, yippee! I'm sure more are soon to follow.
My brother does not text. He's dyslexic, never finished high school.

He has built homes for people who have 3 private jets. His dining room table, if it were in a furniture store, might have a $10K price tag.

He did very well with the talents he has.
Scool is not for everybody. Your brother reminds me of a fable of a squirrel, a bird and a fish who decided to have a school where each parent would teach all the children communally. The fish would teach swimming, the squirrel would teach climbing and the bird would teach swimming. It was not long before they had a staff meeting to discuss the students' progress. Each teacher complained that the other two teachers' children just were not trying and were failing miserably. No matter how hard it tried, the fish could not succeed at flying or climbing, the squirrel could not fly or swim very well, and the bird was a failure at climbing and swimming. So they all quit teaching and decided education was, well, a failure.

Your brother is gifted at what he is good at. I can spell very well. But I could no more do what he does than I could fly like a bird. The world needs people like your brother. That does not mean he is a failure at what he is not good at. ❤️

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