What OCD things do you do?


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
I am having a conversation with friends and we all suddenly realized that we are SOOO STRANGE! Smarties have to be eaten in groups of 2 or 4 starting with the white ones.

Skittles have to be eaten two at a time, only one color in your mouth at once.

Soft serve ice cream has to be eaten in a circle.

Food cannot touch each other on the plate, therefore you must have multiple plates.

Brown M&M's are naked.

Cheese cannot go in between the meat, it must be on one side of the bread or another.

Now, I know we cannot be alone, as this was a group of 6 people, male and female. Tell me your weird food quirks - this oughta be fun.
I'm the same with the Smarties.. (which now i'm craving,..thanks!..:/ ) I have to eat them all by the same colors..
Same with Skittles,.. 2-3 at a time,.. and only the same color... all grape together,.. all yellow together... etc..
M&M's have same thing with color,.. and have to eat the candy coating off of them first..
Reeses cups,.. have to chew off all the little ridges around the cup before eating..
Oreos,.. have to take the top off and eat that,.. then lick the filling off the bottom cookie..
Doritos, gotta suck the cheese off the chips first...
Need i go on?... :lol:

After reading this, i think i have issues.. :oops:
I'm the same with the Smarties.. (which now i'm craving,..thanks!..
) I have to eat them all by the same colors..
Same with Skittles,.. 2-3 at a time,.. and only the same color... all grape together,.. all yellow together... etc..
M&M's have same thing with color,.. and have to eat the candy coating off of them first..
Reeses cups,.. have to chew off all the little ridges around the cup before eating..
Oreos,.. have to take the top off and eat that,.. then lick the filling off the bottom cookie..
Doritos, gotta suck the cheese off the chips first...
Need i go on?...

After reading this, i think i have issues..

Apparently, you, me and a whole bunch of other people too. I find it amazing how many people have food OCD. I do the same thing with M&M's.
Well, a friend at work only eats cake after she has mashed it all up ,so that the cake and frosting are equally distributed.
Whenever I eat Reese peanut butter stick I have to snap in half (long way) and eat the peanut butter and cookie first.
M&M's I have to choose one color I do not eat till the end and then all other colors must be eaten together 2 at a time and any odd ones have to be left till the end after the final color has been eaten.

Waffel's I have to cut a certain way or it looks wrong to me and I dont want to eat it lol.

Everything must be in 2's or even numbers if its like candy or something like that.

Thats all I can remember for right now. Half the time I dont even notice I do these things till someone points it out.
I count --- EVERYTHING. Geese in a flock, pigeons along the highway, 'rounds' with the lawn mower, stairs, license plates with multiple recurring (is that a word?) numbers ---- EVERYTHING. The Princess thinks that this is odd?
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