What Projects do you have planned for your flock this spring ?

I want to replant the pasture end of the run with a different mix this spring. I want it to be nice for them when they have to stop free ranging in the fall.

I'm also going to plant more and different things around the outside of the run. We haven't changed the configuration in several years, so we've gradually been planting more over there. I'm going vertical with a few veggies. I also want to plant more kale and maybe try some collards. Usually I just plant a lot of Swiss chard, plus some leaf lettuce mixes and a little spinach. We'll still have the sunflowers over there, too.
Building another coop & run
Hatching my first eggs (hopefully with success!)
Hopefully adding some marans, wyandottes, and blue/spash/lavender orpingtons if a)i can get the eggs & b) if I'm successful in hatching!

Can't wait!
Well duh, bigger coop and more runs!!! What else do ya do in the spring, but get ready for all the new chickens!!! LOL! My husbands says my chicken math is broken and no I don't even have any math skills.
top on the list is getting the new coop built. All the birds I have now are hatchery stock, so I would like to get some good non hatchery birds. The main breeds I want to get are Lavender Orps, BlueWheaten Ameraucana, Golden cuckoo Marans, and splash BLR Wyandotte, I would also like something in blue, maybe Orps, or marans, or??? Oh, then I guess I'll need a few breeding pens, and a bator.
Silkie breeding program phase 1. I am a total newbie at this! very excited and learning a ton... Found a deal on a new little coop for silkie broody house. Getting it set up and building a semi-separate for it. Hopefully all this will happen before the next broody spell
. Newly acquired trio of Australorp hens will move in with the flock in a couple of weeks, so building them a tractor set-up out of a barrel that will later function for the whole flock when they need to get to work around here. Planting buckwheat and orchard grass and chard for their forage.
No real plans for the flock. I have some chicks in the bator and an order placed but that is it. I have MUCH to do in the garden. I am putting in a rose hedge, I just got some Dalia tubers, I have dozens of seeds to start and build my raised beds for my veggies and cut flowers and so much more! busy, buys, busy.
Get my temporary yard fencing turned into permanent (nicer looking) fencing that keeps the hens out of the veggie garden and other plants. Expand my main coop by putting the nest boxes extending on the side rather than inside. Continue to strengthen my pen fencing for when I'm not letting them free range. Finish building the raised beds (stupid moles...
) and get fencing for that.
My hens don't understand why I'm keeping all the best dirt for myself!

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