what sex are my chicks? Please Answer!! (*new* Pictures now :) )

I agree with the consensus about the BRs. The coloring is much more consistent with a pullet's.
thanks, so now my calculations are-4 hens, and at least one rooster. if you have any other input, that would be great!!
to bad. I was hoping to have green eggs! oh well, thanks for all of the replies!! the EE definitely looks like he is having spurs come in, but I think I'm in denial! i'm still hoping its a hen
I agree that the BR look like pullets. The 2nd one is for sure and the 1st is probably too.

I think your EE is a cockerel because its comb is the same size as the comb on my 17 week old EE.
I would say they are all girl except the EE.

Also it's impossible for him to be getting spurs at this young age. My year old roosters are still working on growing theirs.
well thats what I thought, but the little bump thing that he/she has had for a while seems to be growing. maybe its just my imagination

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