What Special Treat or Yummy Did Your Flock Get Today?

We had sweet corn and bbqed ribs for dinner so they got to pick off the cobs and, while I scarf down everything but the bare ribs, my DW trims the fat off hers so that went to the girls.
Cantaloupe seeds and rind, an apple, a large lamb's quarters plant, and I can't remember what else. Yesterday they got eggplant trimmings, parsley and some tomato ends.
We're into juicing carrots & beets at the moment - the girls love the juiced out leftovers -especially the beets..
We were at a Farmers' Market yesterday and while there I noticed one of the the men who works there going through the corn and throwing some into a garbage can. I asked him how much he would charge me for a few ears of the ones he was throwing out to give my hens, and he gave them to me no charge. I told him I only have 3 hens, so he gave me about 6 ears. I took one out to the ladies a few minutes ago, but so far they arent' interested in it...sigh. I read on here how many people's chooks eat everything, but so far the have turned their noses (beaks?) up at a cabbage that DH kindly drilled a hole through and hung up, blueberries, lettuce from our garden, rice, and many other foodstuffs. They DO like yoghurt, but when can I expect them to start gobbling down on the kitchen leftovers?
Sprouted BOSS & 3 grain Scratch (triticale, oats, wheat, I think...)

This is the second time I did this where I took a 12"x16" patch of sand run and worked in a handful of both 1-2" into the sand and covered with HW cloth and watered well. This time I waited 5 days and had up to 2-3" foliage. I was planning on letting it get a little higher, but the girls kept working hard around the edges for a nibble and I have problems being patient myself so I let them have a go at it.

It's a simple way to get more nutrition out of their treats.
It appears to me that as they grow their tastes expand. Mine don't like yogurt yet. One of their favorites is just young grass clippings. They all fight over grapes. Tonight they had a choice of watermelon rind and corn cobs. They let the watermelon alone and very politely shared the corn. I think the best thing you can do is to keep giving them new things and try the old things that they didn't originally like again. I am hoping that they are like kids in that respect.

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