What the old G, J, and F used to look like


12 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Stanley, North Dakota

For all you newer folks, feast your eyes on this :p This what it used to look like
I just dug that up out of my pictures :p

I recognize every username under the thread creators. Man, it's been awhile, the only one of them, besides me, that I still see around is Crazyaboutchickens
Fantastic that you thought of taking a shot of that. Must have been late around 2010, judging by the threads? Or is my memory failing me...
I know right! I can't remember the original intention was though XD
I think so, but I'm not quite sure myself
I just looked at page 457 of the Cockeral's thread, and apparently, it's from about October 2011
:bow Fantastic that you thought of taking a shot of that. Must have been late around 2010, judging by the threads? Or is my memory failing me...

I know right! I can't remember the original intention was though XD
I think so, but I'm not quite sure myself
I just looked at page 457 of the Cockeral's thread, and apparently, it's from about October 2011

That's page one and the MM vs. POH thread died out in about November 2010. Couldn't be it, and I don't remember the Cockeral thread sleeping for a year for that to happen.
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That's page one and the MM vs. POH thread died out in November 2010. Couldn't be it, and I don't remember the Cockeral thread sleeping for a year for that to happen.

Hm. Maybe they're two different threads? Made by the same guy then, Michaelmay26 (I wonder what happened to him, he used to frequent BYC very often)

MM26 is now 44Wolves. He's still comes around sometimes.
Two different threads? No. Cr9 didn't double-post the POH, and if he had, it wouldn't have gotten to 63 pages.
The Crazy Cockerals wasn't double posted either.

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