What the--...


9 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Suprise, Arizona
Oh my god. I was just at the feed store today and was horrified to find that their BR chicks were maiming each other. It was awful! I picked up a scalped chick that was bleeding and acting lethargic, and I gave it to a worker, who willingly cleaned the wound, treated it, and he placed the chick in a seperate pen to recover. That was a relief, but still, they kept on with angrily chasing each other and plucking feathers. He was unsure of what to do when I pointed out the severity of the situation, and went to the manager.

What the heck was wrong, do you think? Stress? An overly-aggressive cockerel? Boredom? I don't know what would possibly cause such behavior!
Maybe too many chicks in the pen?

I don't know, but I would question the staff about how well they are checking on their chicks. I don't think either of my feed stored would allow this type of behavior/ situation.
Good job picking up the slack

I would think over crowding

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