What to do while waiting


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Bay City, TX
Waiting for my eggs to ship on Feb 14.

Run incubator to see if it holds temp
Run incubator to see if it holds humidity
Futz with the water trays
Figure out ways to improve the turning trays
Consider varnishing the box
Dismiss varnishing the box
Consider replacing the wooden lid with plexiglass
Call hardware store for prices
Decide it's too expensive for now and drop the idea
Imagine what the box would look like steam punk'd out
Search 'net for claw foot feet
Find the perfect claw foot feet, discover they are 50 dollars a pop
Consider just gluing a few gears to it and calling it 'steam punk'
Spend days and days on BYC reading silly threads
Double check with teacher to make sure she's ready to hatch
Run incubator again, just cuz
Argue with spouse about the necessity of running the incubator for days on end with no eggs in it
Unplug incubator
Count days until the eggs ship
Run incubator again
Sit and watch the temperature as the light bulbs flick on and off
Hear spouse arrive home from work
Unplug incubator
Wonder if the piece of plexiglass in the scrap pile will work
Try to bleach yellowed plexiglass
Lightly sand plexiglass
End up with opaque plexiglass
Chase chickens back into back yard because you left the gate open when you were fetching plexiglass
Consider cleaning out coop
Rain clouds on the horizen, procrastinate cleaning out coop
Troll through the hatching eggs section of BYC
Count days until eggs ship, hasn't changed yet
Fetch eggs from coop in rain
Discover a blue egg, give EE chicken a reprieve on her appointment with freezer camp
Post a silly thread on BYC about what you are doing while you are waiting for your eggs to ship

What do you do when you are waiting for eggs??
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Refresh page over and over to see if anybody has posted something silly about what they do while waiting for their eggs to ship

Hit F5 a few more times over the next few hours
Watch a Sherlock Holmes movie recommended by a friend
Finish move, wander around aimlessly pacing in front of the incubator
Drool over the final Wheel of Time book on Amazon
Turn on the incubator
Argue again with spouse, explaining that you need to see the effect of the lower humidity on the wooden lid
Turn off incubator
Make dinner
Eat dinner, next to the incubator
Stare thoughtfully at the incubator
Debate the best method of raising the humidity in the incubator while still keeping good airflow and correct temperature with spouse
Fill water trays
Turn on incubator
Do dishes
Look on in dismay at the correct humidity, but too high temperature and condencation on the window
Remove vent plugs
Look on in dismay at the correct temperature and clear glass, but too low humidity
Log on to BYC again and refresh the page a few more times
Wander over to incubator to see if it's magically fixed it's self in the past 20 minutes
Ponder the possible necessity of drilling a few more, much smaller vent holes
Decide it's too late to do so tonight
Realize it's dark and you need to lock up the chickens
Retrieve chicken from the coop roof.
Chase chicken around the yard with a stick
Herd chicken into coop
Latch door
Check incubator again, just to be absolutely certain it hasn't fixed it's self yet
Unplug incubator
Count days until eggs ship (Still two weeks)
Ponder purchasing more eggs
Debate wisdom of purchase with spouse
Decide spouse just doesn't understand your need for more chickens
Check bank account
Decide against ordering more eggs in favor of being able to pay the power bill
Apply for job at fast food joint (I wish I were kidding)
Make omelette
Refresh page a couple of more times
Go to bed
Lie awake pondering potential improvements to incubator

It's like a disease!
Crack a beer
Annoy spouse with questions (Where's that little saw of yours? Do you think I should use PVC? Why can't I keep the temp up when I bump the humidity?)
Post more dumb things about what you do while waiting for your eggs to ship

c'mon, surely other people are a tad obsessive when waiting for their eggs!
Find creative mixed drinks to make with what I have in the house. (Everclear and leftover sparkling grape juice from New Years? Sure!)

Dig through video game case for game that will keep me busy.

Curse video game makers for not making egg incubation simulation games.

Settle on Harvest Moon.

Get mad because the sound the chickens on Harvest Moon make is obviously a turkey gobble.

Turn off games.

Consider writing game company to complain about gobbling chicken sound bite.

Get halfway through e-mail and start wondering if maybe chickens in China actually gobble.

Spend next hour researching native Chinese Chickens.

Somehow end up on eBay looking at Chinese Chicken hatching eggs.

Resist buying funky Chinese chicken hatching eggs.

Stare at wall.

Hear humidity pump turn on, get excited for no logical reason.

Run out of Everclear, make chocolate milk with Amaretto.
Find creative mixed drinks to make with what I have in the house. (Everclear and leftover sparkling grape juice from New Years? Sure!)

Dig through video game case for game that will keep me busy.

Curse video game makers for not making egg incubation simulation games.

Settle on Harvest Moon.

Get mad because the sound the chickens on Harvest Moon make is obviously a turkey gobble.

Turn off games.

Consider writing game company to complain about gobbling chicken sound bite.

Get halfway through e-mail and start wondering if maybe chickens in China actually gobble.

Spend next hour researching native Chinese Chickens.

Somehow end up on eBay looking at Chinese Chicken hatching eggs.

Resist buying funky Chinese chicken hatching eggs.

Stare at wall.

Hear humidity pump turn on, get excited for no logical reason.

Run out of Everclear, make chocolate milk with Amaretto.

Oh dear, maybe it's the beer talking (I'm a light weight) but you got me laughing so hard I cried! eBay indeed!
You know, in my area I am well known as "The Crazy Chicken Lady" but I think these people just need to meet more chicken people. We are all crazy!

I forgot one:

Go into every section of BYC and find threads with no responses, then answer the questions posed with extreme time and detail, even if it is a dumb question that could be answered with two seconds on Google.

Then drink something else weird that shouldn't be logically mixed together. (Apple pie moonshine and milk? Who needs a liver?)
I did take one of my girls to the liquor store with me once, so I feel ya on the "crazy chicken lady" thing

Ponder making margaritas
Decide to finish beer instead
Remember that one of the girls got out of the yard today, and you're not sure if she made it back in when you locked up
Run out in panic
Discover naughty chicken all tucked up nice in the coop
Wonder why you're planning on hatching out more of these freaking birds
Plug in incubator...
Hahahaha! I am really enjoying reading that other people do these crazy things while waiting. I am trading a Silver Seabright breeding pair tomorrow for 18 Imported English Buff Orpington eggs and I am going nuts waiting. I am hoping the mixed drinks put me to sleep or I won't sleep.

I always end up piling all the Pygmy goats into the car when I go to the liquor store. I really enjoy people's reactions at red lights when goat heads pop out the cracked windows and bleat at them.
I have managed to convince the Mr that having Appenzeller Spitzhoubens (or however the heck you spell it) is a good idea. They're Austrian chickens(shush you, *I* know they're not Austrian), and he's an Austrian Baron...
Muahahahahaha It's all in the presentation!
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