What to do with 2 many roo's?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 22, 2009
I've got 4 Roo's: 1 senior, 1 older adolescent and 2 five-month olds. Senior isn't a problem, it's the other 3 that are becoming to much for the hens (23 of them) they are running for their lives...literally.
The Roo's are not mean, but I lost 1 older hen this week because she got tore-up with the Roo's toe's and tallans.
My flock is entirely free roam,and I don't see putting saddles on 23 hens. I'm trying to rig a pen (movable) for putting the more aggressive Roo's in. Does anyone have other suggestions or advice. Will not give away or cull my Roo's (kids). Bought 21 chicks in Feb. with the understanding they were all hens (roo's not available till Mar.) Now find out there were 2 Roo's in the mix. Maybe I should ask the feed store who sold them to me
if they have any suggestions.
Well since you stated you don't want tp give away or cull, the only other option is to build a bachlor pad or two. Just keep them seperate is about your only other choice I see.
Well since you stated you don't want tp give away or cull, the only other option is to build a bachlor pad or two. Just keep them seperate is about your only other choice I see.

Or you need more hens!!
Bachelor pad? That's just a pen right?
Hey wait a min.... MORE HEN's ? Why didn't I think of that.
You asked for ideas.

Some people get by with the kind of hen-rooster ratio you have and some have problems. Sorry you are on the wrong end of that one.

You lost the chicken because she lost some feathers due to over-mating and then the roosters spurs tore her up. His technique is too tough and she was probably a favorite. If you know which rooster it was you could trim his spurs, or maybe do all the rooster's spurs. This thread gives a lot of info on the topic.


Good luck!

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