What to expect now?


12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
vancouver island
My hens went on a laying binge yesterday. I was shocked to see seven eggs, (all in the nest for a change), but from my six hens. A few hours later I was surprised to hear the laying cackling that they do when ever they lay. Checked the nest, and there was two more eggs. Later in the afternoon there was yet another, this time in the run area. 10 EGGS from SIX hens??

I couldn't believe it, (although I have heard of the odd case of a hen laying twice in one day). At first I thought that someone in the family was playing a trick on me, but there was no eggs missing from the fridge.

I have started to let them out into the bigger run the last few days as the temperatures have really climbed the last few days. I thought they may find moisture areas to dig in to cool down. I don't know if this has a bearing on it or not?

What should I expect now? Should I expect no eggs for today as they overdid it yesterday, or back to the regular six eggs? Is this a sign of something to come, like they are about to go into molt? What have others experienced??
Must be the fresh air and sunshine!

Well so far today I have gotten 5 eggs from the girls. I expect that Miss Bean, who always lays later in the day normally, may still have one for me...

Sure a mystery what got into all of them yesterday. It was like they were having a contest or something..
I haven't had that happen with a chicken but I have with a duck! Right before she went broody she layed 6, yes I said SIX, eggs in one day! I was utterly amazed.
Six eggs from one duck, in one day!:eek: That poor duck must have been waddling even more than usual. Ouch..

Well as things turned out, I was back to the regualr six by the end of the day. Still a mystery why almost all of them layed double on the same day. Must have been the alignment of the stars or some darn thing...

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