What treats from the fridge do you feed your chicks, roos and pullets?

I'm pretty new with the whole chicken thing, but I've owned reptiles, specifically two iguanas, a beardie, and a Uromastyx for years. My lizards eat collards, mustards, squash, etc. I give the chickens my scraps from feeding the reps. They seem to dislike the mustards, but love the collards and skin to the butternut squash.
I let my girls free range everyday. When I am in my garden I will pick cherry tomatoes off plant, split in half and throw down for them...they love them. They also love leftover popcorn, watermelon, scrambled eggs. There is a list on here somewhere which shows things NOT to feed chickens. I keep meaning to print it up and laminate so my family will look at before they decide to give them any treats.

It is so much fun watching them run off with at treat.
I must have the weirdest or best behaved chickens in the world.
They roam freely in my backyard where I have a veggie garden. They have NEVER poked a single veggie plant, but prefer to hang around the rims of the planting boxes to dig for bugs.

They really prefer bugs and grass over even their feed!
Mine like to eat crushed egg shells, cottage cheese, fresh parsley and basil and cracked corn. They also like cabbage!
My birds will eat most anything.They always have access to layer pellets and water. I save kitchen scraps for them. They love greens, fruit, popped corn, bread, any veggies, left over pasta, apple cores. When I weed the garden i give them what ever I pull. I do not feed them onions or garlic as it seems the eggs taste like what they eat.
MINE EAT ANYTHING NOT NAILED DOWN!!! I told my wife to check in on me and make sure I DO NOT FALL DOWN IN THE COOP!!!! omg eaten by a pack of chickens?
Thanks guys! I cut up apples for them the other day and they seemed to enjoy it. I also let mine free range when we are not at work, so they have a lot of bugs and random yard plants in their diet also. They like to get into the thyme and catnip that I grow.
They will eat almost anything. Currently they are gaga for cherry tomatoes. They do not like carrots, celery or apples, though they will peck at an apple core if that's all that is offered. In the initial question on this thread: We didn't give snacks to the chicks until they showed interest at about five weeks, then started with oatmeal.

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