what watering systems do you use?

I don't use auto for my small flock (22), but I do use the nipples and gallon milk jugs. Check out my byc page for deets. There are others on byc who use the nipples too and love them! Happy searching!
I just use the basic plastic waters right now I have a 1 gallon which I wipe out and refill daily. I also have a 3 gallon heated one that I haven't used yet and we just got in some of those nipples to put on the gallon jugs. I check food and water at least twice a day in the AM and then in the PM.
Have you tried those on a 5 gallon bucket trilyn? A lot of potential/possibilities with your find. Would be great for those who mix ducks and chickens.

I used the ole galvanized 5 gallon waterer at one time but the ducks rusted it out. So i just a small swimming pool now (ducks were killed). I only have 3 chickens in the run/coop now after being wiped out so I can get away with changing their water about 2 times a week...according to how hot it gets. I made a feeder from the rusted galvanized waterer.
I just purchased six bell watering systems for use during our "thaw" months.

My husband is going to set them up tomorrow so I will get pictures.

I have been using the five gallon waterers which is hard to fill and get moved around because of the weight; I have been using the wheelbarrow lately.
Well, I fill up 2 5 gallon buckets and head to the coops. Then I dump out any left water in the waterer (plastic gallon waterers)and rinse out, refill. I do this twice a day.

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