what went wrong (graphic picture)

Ok thanks everyone - I will take out the water on my current batch to see how they do. They are less than a week along, so hopefully they will be okay.
The chick in the picture looks too wet to me. Also, his beak should be positioned under the wing to allow for proper zipping. I HIGHLY recommend the dry incubation method where NO water is added until lockdown, My humidity with dry incubation is 20-30% for the first 18 days and for lockdown I add enough water to bump humidity to 55-60%. Several 90-100% hatches have resulted for me. Consider it.

I agree with Nurse_turtle on this one. Chick looks water-logged and maybe too big to turn properly. As mentioned above the head is in the wrong place, should be tucked under the wing and up near the air sac.

To check viability on your overdue eggs, you might want to try a float test. Here is a link to information. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...ng-egg-viability-for-late-or-overdue-hatching

I have to say I don't agree with everything in the above post, but I do agree that if it sinks it's a dud and if it wiggles it's a viable chick. I always float test my eggs before I put them into lockdown. I don't always discard the ones that don't move, but it's a valuable test especially if you have eggs that are hard to candle.
Thanks for that link - I tried the float test, they were low floaters but no movement after the initial bobbing when I first put them in. So I guess they didn't make it :(
I really hope the batch in my new incubator does better...the humidity is lower now, and the temp is holding steady...fingers crossed!
I'm not sure I understand I 'm going to go back and re-read the link, I thought It said that a low floater was a viable full term emb. and that the rocking and rolling is absolutely no doubt alive.
But it made it sound like the low floaters still had a chance of living?? I do think that a spike or Dive in the tempature can slow down growth and make hatching earlier or later than expected I have had chicken chicks hatch as late as day 25. Good luck to you, I'm hoping for the best for you.

Thanks for that link - I tried the float test, they were low floaters but no movement after the initial bobbing when I first put them in. So I guess they didn't make it :(
I really hope the batch in my new incubator does better...the humidity is lower now, and the temp is holding steady...fingers crossed!
That's why I mentioned that I don't agree with everything in that link. Every live egg I have ever floated at lockdown has shown definite jerky movement (not to be confused with gently moving because the water moves).

Eggs that have made it to the day 15/16 range or beyond, but subsequently died, will have air cells developed to the point where they will be low floaters. I think the link info is misleading to say all low floaters are viable.
That's why I mentioned that I don't agree with everything in that link. Every live egg I have ever floated at lockdown has shown definite jerky movement (not to be confused with gently moving because the water moves).

Eggs that have made it to the day 15/16 range or beyond, but subsequently died, will have air cells developed to the point where they will be low floaters. I think the link info is misleading to say all low floaters are viable.

Thankyou that makes sense now.

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