What Would Their Chicks Look Like?

Oct 30, 2022
The Swamp
I have a Rhode Island Red Bantam pullet named Ruby and a hatchery quality Dutch Bantam (or an Old English Game Bantam/Dutch Bantam hybrid, I'm not sure what exactly he is) cockerel named Jasper. I was wondering what plumage color their chicks would have if I decided to breed them and hatch out their offspring. I know that no one could know exactly what their chicks would look like, but I'm definitely not the best at genetics compared to many of you here. So, can anyone help me out on guessing? Thank you!


I didn't get a notification for this tag, but I agree with all of what Amer said!

Bird in question is from a TSC chick bin. The hatcheries TSC order through do not have 'junglefowl', but one does have hatchery Dutch bantams and he ticks all the marks for that. 🙂
Thank you! 2x with the statement of how he couldn't be junglefowl. He definitely fits the personality for a junglefowl but he isn't one. 🤣 I like to joke and call him "Junglefowl" anyways.
Body shape is completely wrong for Dutch Bantam, also too leggy. Also some TSCs do offer Red JungleFowl from Cackle Hatchery. Not all go through Hoover's.

I'm just gonna leave it here:).

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