What would you pay?


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Have to move out of my duplex by June and so my girls are going to my mom's and I need to sell the coop. It cost us about $450 to make the coop, even though a lot of recycled material and free material.

It was built just by my boyfriend and I and we don't have any significant construction experience really (i.e. some of the doors don't shut completely flush, etc). However, it is really nice and has a convenient storage area underneath the coop. I have my 4 girls in it and they fit just fine (one is a bantam).

There are two double dutch doors, roosts, ventilation up top and a window that has hardware wire to cover. The run has a apron running around it and all the locks have latches and have kept out many raccoons and foxes for us. The coop floor has linoleum, all the walls, etc for the coop is easy to clean because of the paint used. The coop is partially insulated (bought some old insulation for a resource place and nailed pegboard over majority of the walls). I wouldn't say the coop is too warm - we use a heating lamp if temperatures get to cold out here in CO. The Roof is new sheeting from homedepot, any wood touching the ground is weathertreated. Hardware cloth is used for the bottom 2.5 feet around the run sides, chicken wire is used for upper sections. A person like me, (5'3") can stand up in the run.

Now the only catch is that whoever buys it has to move it, and that will be a difficult task. They may have to somehow detach the run from the coop to separately move them, and part of my chain link fenced yard may have compromise in order to get the coop out of my yard. Also, it's probably pretty heavy....

I'll be trying to sell on craigslist and want to know your opinions on how much you think I could get for it. It's only been used since August, so it's still very clean. I hope you can see from the pictures how it is built. Not looking to make a lot of money here, either looking to come out about even or at least get something for it. If I can make a profit on it, Great! (pics don't have updated insulation in them) Run is 8 ft by about 4 ft, coop is about 4ft by 3 ft




This picture is before the coop was done, but just to give an idea of how the double doors work on BOTH sides of the coop (4 doors)



My girls sleeping on their roost like trained pigeons.
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