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My philosophy is, if I am going to feed them every day, they had better lay eggs. The only excuses I accept are broody or moulting. Other than that, off to auction. My feed bill is way too high to not get eggs. I do not give them the winter off, I figure they get lots of feed, light and attention so I want them to produce eggs for two years. I feed supplemental cat food, scraps, and chopped bread. I rotate them so they take turns free ranging. My buckeyes have slowed way down, some of them are almost three years old. As soon as I hatch enough chicks, they are going. I am working on heated waterers for winter. That makes a big difference too. Ok, there u go some of my secrets. I sent you a bill:-D
I think all I owe right now is laundry pictures (guess I'll just have to find a big box and put em in cockeyed since I cant find a box the right size) and cookies. I also need to send turkey feathers that I offered to someone but that was not a swap just a give away. If I have forgotten anyone please let me know. It's not me that owes you all american chick is it?
I had to ship some pictures also. I cut a box and taped up all sides. The package was flat. Well as flat as the pictures. Looked like a giant envelope.
OMG I think I got a swap mixed up
. Congrats to the ones that got the right boxes of jam! I have to recheck my messages and repack....sorry to all that were affected
The stress from work is really deteriorated my brain....I need to win the lotto.
I would PM again. IF no response, let corancher know. The sooner the better for all of us. I still haven't received swaps from NotSuperWoman from months ago.
So ticked
HAWKS! I made a little pen at my sisters, next to the main one, for 4 chicks that I wanted to add to the flock. Silly me, I didn't bother to cover the top and those hawks got a buff orp and my sole barred rock. I saw him circling over head when I went over today and found the pile of feathers. I covered that sucker up good, but that won't bring back my little Squeakers and Pip. Only thing that takes the sting out is that I'm pretty sure they were both roos, so they would have ended up in a coq au vin eventually...

on a bright note, heres some pics of my little Puffers (my chicks have to work at getting names, the 2 buff orp hens that survived are nameless as of yet):



Hes from one of Michelle's eggs and he is so well behaved, he comes when called and doesn't go crazy when you grab him. I think he came from a blue egg, but not sure, do you have any white ameraucana Michelle?
Sorry everyone i stalled the swap thread,i went to bed sick,Asthma...........Anyways i have a new sweater if anyone is interested .My son gave me it as a Christmas gift,never worn,i hate sweaters!Sears womans size 16 to 18. What i need is feathers my dil saw my wreath and wants one, or soaps or pink feed sacks thx everyone and sorry again.

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