Whatcha Making for Supper?

Pickled beets? 😁 Those are good when made right.my nana made good beets. Not for everyone though. I went years without eating them. My first experience I was 8 and thought they were the canned cranberry sauce..took I nice big bite and what a shock...I was like...this tastes like dirt. 😂 Not all beets are created equal..I like them now...some 20 or so years later. But I like my Nana's( rest in peace) and now my mom's who uses her recipe...It's surprising when someone passes away and you taste one of their recipes...it brings back memories..
Steak .. fries and beets.
Sure. Now this is a "winging it" type of recipe.
First make up your favorite recipe for corn bread. Set aside. Preheat oven to 375F. In a Dutch oven or deep skillet, saute onions, garlic, 1 pound of beef and peppers. Add 2 14oz cans of preferred beans drained and 1 14oz can of stewed tomatoes with juice. Add LOTS of seasoning and salt to taste. Make sure it is heated through. Pour cornbread mix on top if beef mixture. Bake for 30 min. Check with toothpick of knife that cornbread I'd cooked. Rest for few mind before serving.

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