What's going on?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
Here are pics of 2 ladies whose feathers have changed, and I'm wondering if anyone knows if this is "normal". It's the feathers at the base of the tail, and on the black one also underneath at the top of the legs. I have some whose feathers don't lay flat like they used to, but these 2 have the most dramatic changes. Also, these pics were taken Jan 27 and on the black one the area is now larger. They're both still laying an egg per day and are eating, drinking, and pooping same as the others. These ladies are all 10 months old. Also, is it expected that at this time of year they could all look generally grubby and unkempt? All ideas/suggestions appreciated ! Nina.jpg Fudge.jpg
It looks like they're molting
Wow - I didn't know they would molt in the dead of winter !!! And I thought they had to be a year old at least - well, I guess anything can happen !!! I'm not noticing a great loss of feathers, just one or two here and there, but it's all new to me - I don't know what to expect. thank you !!
My gander is molting right now, he's a mangy mess. He's only 9 months old and it's -8 degrees here right now. In the beginning of their molt my chickens I've noticed lose their rear feathers first (like yours) and then move on from there. It isn't any sickness though so they will definitely be fine :)
Most chickens molt the first time at about 18 months, but some just don’t follow the rules. If you see loose feathers inside the coop, that may be likely.
My gander is molting right now, he's a mangy mess. He's only 9 months old and it's -8 degrees here right now. In the beginning of their molt my chickens I've noticed lose their rear feathers first (like yours) and then move on from there. It isn't any sickness though so they will definitely be fine :)
Thank you kindly !!

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