What's the best number of chicks to order in cold weather (optimum survival rate / box size)?


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine
My chicks are being shipped April 14, and it's still REALLY cold here. I know the boxes are sized for 25, 50, or 100 chicks. Right now I have an order of 25, but I'd like to add a few more.

However- if that means the hatchery would increase the box size to the 50-count size, might that be worse for their survival (less chicks in a bigger space)? I'd rather do what's best for them.

Anyone ship chicks and have any input into this? Thanks!
I've had hatchery chicks shipped in February (25). They all arrived in excellent shape, but the hatchery included a heat pack. Maybe you could call them and request they add one to the box? They may charge you a little extra for it, but it'll be cheaper then ordering more chicks and well worth the peace of mind :)
Thanks, yes, I've had a heat pack included in small orders before as well.

I was more asking about the box size difference (a 25-chick box versus one twice as large for 50 chicks) and whether shipping 30 chicks in a 50-chick box might stress them more than just getting 25 chicks in a 25-chick box. I realize this is a nitpicky sort of question ;)

I'm going to call and ask the hatchery what they think.

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