What's the most dependable laying breed in your flock?

My Rhode Island Red hen started laying at 18 weeks old and layed an egg a day for as long as we had her (+10 months), but leghorns are supposed to be even better layers.
Just curious: past and present, what breed have you found to be your most dependable layer?
Our Black Stars have laid eggs every day since they were 5.5-month-old pullets. They won't even be official hens until the first of May, but one of them went broody today, Feb. 9. She sat in the nest box all day, then when I went to check for eggs this afternoon she was still there, sitting on two eggs. I get 'em, but she didn't like it. Glad was was wearing work gloves!
I don't have much of a track record. But of my mixed flock of 10 the white leghorn started soonest, lays most often, and lays the biggest eggs.
I have a small flock of 35 hens. Most have been hatched here and retained. I have 8 red stars that I got a heck of a deal on, 5 jersey giants, the remaining 22 are NN's that I have been breeding and raising for 4 years now. Retaining pullets each year and culling older as we go. My NNs do as good of job as any breed I have ever had. I have 35 hens/pullets and get 27 to 32 eggs per day going thru some real cold weather.

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