What's the temperature where you are???

Heat index so far

Thursday: 5:00pm, 103°F, heat index 109°F, humidity 29%, wind SE @ 9mph, mostly clear, some clouds, sunny! and 🔥
It's been so hot and dry for so long, 13 consecutive days of triple digits temps. There's no moisture left in the ground to produce any humidity! And not much of a breeze off the Gulf to bring in any moisture.
I have a question

What feels better summer heat with high or low humidity

Thank you
I know few would agree with this but for me high humidity is so much better.

Low humidity HURTS! Burning eyes/nose/throat, nosebleeds, hair like straw, cracked and bleeding skin and lips, red and inflamed eyes, asthma, coughing.

Low humidity destroys everything: car interiors and tires, leather goods, antiques, lawn furniture, pools, musical instruments, paint, home exteriors, plastic or wood anything, ruined clothes and bedsheets (from the nosebleeds).

No thank you!!!

I've spent summers in Georgia and Alabama and Arizona. I'll take GA and AL any day. High humidity and heat can be miserable and low humidity and heat can be miserable but I've never had high humidity hurt me and destroy everything which is very expensive!
Low humidity HURTS! Burning eyes/nose/throat, nosebleeds, hair like straw, cracked and bleeding skin and lips, red and inflamed eyes, asthma, coughing.

Low humidity destroys everything: car interiors and tires, leather goods, antiques, lawn furniture, pools, musical instruments, paint, home exteriors, plastic or wood anything, ruined clothes and bedsheets (from the nosebleeds).

No thank you!!!
My sinuses cannot stand low humidity either. We can leave our musical instruments on a stand in the room or in the case, providing that you don't then put the case somewhere that the temperature fluctuations will cause damage from condensation.

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