What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

Username is my first name, plus last name initials.
Avatar is of my first three hens when they were under a week old.
They grow up so fast!
I am lucky to find where I am going let alone something that updates pics
Finally caught back up.
DSO's mom passed away just after Christmas. We had company for most of the week.
But here is my updated avi. It is our antique wagon in the first snow of this year in November.
I like this thread too to see all the updated avi's.!
Finally caught back up.
DSO's mom passed away just after Christmas. We had company for most of the week.
But here is my updated avi. It is our antique wagon in the first snow of this year in November.
I like this thread too to see all the updated avi's.!
Love the wagon. Sorry about mom. I just lost a cousin too.
Username is my first name, plus last name initials.
Avatar is of my first three hens when they were under a week old.
They grow up so fast!
Hello and welcome to this thread.

I have pics of my first baby chicks also, week by week of growth until they were about 16 weeks old. LOL My avatar is my Mottled Cochin bantam, Miss Ivy, who is one of my favorite in our flock. She is all fluff and feathers and has attitude. Even though I held my chicks several times a day, every day, weeks on end, she still wiggles when I hold her now at 9 months. One of these days, I will update my avatar to what she looks like now. Black with white spatterings on her head and especially under her wings.

Yep, they grow up waaayyy too fast!

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