What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

My user name is my name and my wedding anniversary - October 31
I love spiders so my avatar is a pretty spider web pic i found
My user name is chixlittel I have one Rhode Island Red that has always been the smallest and behind in developing than all my other chickens. She reminded me of chicken little. When I put fresh pine shavings in their coop, the chickens run around all crazy. I always say "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". My husband thinks I'm a dork, but I find it amusing, and entertaining. My avatar is a pic of my ladies when they were younger. I need to change it tho.
My user name is valleychicks. Our home and land sits in a valley area where the wind blows nearly every day and many nights we are covered in fog. My avatar changes a good bit but usually features one or more of our chickens and/or pets.

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