Whats wrong with my chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
I have layer chickens that are in with roosters. Several of them, but not all of them have bald spots on their backs. Do they have some sort of bug or is there something else going on?

I know our roosters seem to be quite aggressive as they are in competition with each other.

Any help would be appreciated.

If it's just the hens, it means your roosters are showing their affection :) My girls look like that most of the time. Especially the favorite girls!
The roosters are over mating your hens. The correct ratio of hens to roosters is 10 or more to 1. Some hens are a bit too willing or the rooster's favorites. You can take out some roosters (I like just 1 with mine), or mmake a bachelor pen and rotate roosters, or get some hen aprons to cover their backs. Those feathers will not grow back until they moult.
The one dominant rooster seems to have a bit of balding around his neck, but I think he fights with the other roosters sometimes.

We have a couple of silkies, they are both roosters and they haven't lost any feathers either.

The one other rooster doesn't seem to be missing any feathers either.

Is there something we can do? They look like they are not being taken care of well by their humans (me) and I don't want people thinking they are neglected.

I guess I just want to make sure I am being a good chicken mama. :)
THANKS for the quick responses. That makes me feel a whole lot better. I knew you all would be able to advise me.

THANKS again!!!

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