When can baby chicks live outside?

I always brood my biddies in the coop from day one. Here's mine at a few days old. I took there heat away at around three weeks. Now, there four weeks & I'm removing the cage in the coop. I will put a few on the roost every evening till they figure out thats their new place to sleep. Guess, everyone has there own way of doing things. But I do have 39 iddies so they can snuggle if they get cold.

I think this is what I want to do with the next batch that I get 7L. I have a very large empty coop and am already planning my next chicks. I just think since we have all this space it would be nice to use it. I also want the birds to be friendly, but sufficient on their own. I've been trying to follow the majority of the recommendations here but my husband (who grew up with chickens in Mexico) thinks I am crazy keeping them in a box in the house when they should be outside. I sort of wish I would have gotten a mama to teach them the ropes.
They have instincts to take care of themselves. They do need to have a warm spot to retreat to when cold but are alot tougher after the first 2 weeks than people give them credit for. Other than showing the little ones water there's not much else that they don't pickup on their own.
I'm a little more hopeful, it's been rainy here and just went out and they were all upstairs. Only came down cause I was there. Sprinkled a little food on the floor upstairs for them. Thanks everyone for the help and wisdoms. I know the light is extreme but they carry on so loudly, once it's on, they settle down and sleep, so for awhile I'm ok with it. As summer approaches, the days will be longer, and I won't need it.
This thread has been very helpful! Thank you. My black stars are 5 weeks now and SO messy. They are nearly completely feathered out and, due to an accident with their heat lamp, they are without heat now and doing fine. I have been wanting to move them out to their coop, but worried because all I had heard was to wait until they are 7-8wks at least. Our day time temps have been in the 70-80s for a few weeks now and nights are 50-60s. I think we may move them out in the next day or two and see how it goes.
It's so hard not to worry, isn't it, Izzy? Glad your chicks seem to be learning the ropes! :D
It's harder than I thought it would be, but we will survive. Just when I accept it all, my husband starts up...hehe. We need to get on the same page with our worries. hehe. He's the one that went out and bought the nite light. They do seem to be all upstairs now again, so i think they are figuring it out. Sadly it's all rainy so I can't let them roam around they really love "hunting and pecking" around the yard. I do know they have waterproof feathers and all, but..but...they are my babies hehe..I'm hopeless! :)
I hear you on that one. Ours are still in the brooder but I know once they're in the coop I'll be the one laying awake, worrying. He'll sleep soundly believing they're OK. You know what? They will be OK. I just worry.
Heee...well me, you and Izzy can all worry together. :) I'm sure everything will work out just fine, though. :D
They have instincts to take care of themselves. They do need to have a warm spot to retreat to when cold but are alot tougher after the first 2 weeks than people give them credit for. Other than showing the little ones water there's not much else that they don't pickup on their own.

That is what my husband keeps saying too Ron! I plan on moving them out doors permanently at the end of the week. I first need to wait for my straw delivery for the coop floor. I am sure they would be fine with just the dirt that is out the, but I wanted something, well, a little less dirty. Ha!

I have noticed they are much happier outside, and in fact, I kinda enjoy getting up early to let them out into their outdoor brooder box and just sit out there watching them while sipping my coffee. It's relaxing and entertaining all at once. Today the little things were fighting over a big moth that flew in. Hilarious!
Izzy, your coop is beautiful! I am using an old coop that was left empty when we bought our ranch. Nothing fancy or new, but I know it is sturdy and holds heat well for our winters.

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