When can my chicks go outside for day trips?


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
My chicks will be 2 weeks on Monday. It's been in the high 70s, sunny and breezy here. I have a small outdoor hutch set up next to the main run for see/don't touch. Im wondering when it's safe to let the babies outside during the day. What is too cold for them out there? I don't have electric out there so they won't have the brooder plate. Just the sun shine. I plan to bring them back to the garage brooder in the late afternoons.

Also- once they go outside should I be providing chick grit both outside and inside? Im assuming they'll be eating grass and bugs while out there. The ground is sand so im not sure how much grit they can get out of there. I leave a bowl of grit in the run for my big girls for that reason.
My chicks will be 2 weeks on Monday. It's been in the high 70s, sunny and breezy here. I have a small outdoor hutch set up next to the main run for see/don't touch. Im wondering when it's safe to let the babies outside during the day. What is too cold for them out there? I don't have electric out there so they won't have the brooder plate. Just the sun shine. I plan to bring them back to the garage brooder in the late afternoons.
You can definitely take them out for a short time now. Given the chicks' age and the temperatures you mentioned, they might already be fine all day, or they might not be.

I would put them out on a day when you can be present to watch them, and see how they do, and then use that as a guide for when to bring them in and how long to leave them out on other days.

First they will huddle and peep because they are scared, then they will probably become more comfortable and start exploring. If they go back to huddling and peeping it could mean they are cold, which would mean they should go back inside to warm up with their brooder plate.

Also- once they go outside should I be providing chick grit both outside and inside? Im assuming they'll be eating grass and bugs while out there. The ground is sand so im not sure how much grit they can get out of there. I leave a bowl of grit in the run for my big girls for that reason.
It is fine to have grit in both places, but probably also fine to have grit in just one place (either the indoor brooder or the outdoor pen.)
You can definitely take them out for a short time now. Given the chicks' age and the temperatures you mentioned, they might already be fine all day, or they might not be.

I would put them out on a day when you can be present to watch them, and see how they do, and then use that as a guide for when to bring them in and how long to leave them out on other days.

First they will huddle and peep because they are scared, then they will probably become more comfortable and start exploring. If they go back to huddling and peeping it could mean they are cold, which would mean they should go back inside to warm up with their brooder plate.

It is fine to have grit in both places, but probably also fine to have grit in just one place (either the indoor brooder or the outdoor pen.)
Thank you! I can only imagine how scared they’re going to be out there at first.
at that age and temp, I would place them outside only if it’s sunny, and only in a sunny location. They will warm up in the sun as needed or seek the cool shade if they get too warm. I’ve also done this with younger chicks, never had an issue

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