When Candeling, when does it get to hard to really see anything?

Rooster Ray

15 Years
Nov 20, 2008
South West Michigan
I have 6 eggs in the bator right now and they are on day 12. I have one white egg which I can still see pretty good but the rest are brown and I am having a hard time seeing anything in them, at 6 days they were all developing nicely. So at what day does it get hard to see anything or have some of my eggs died?
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I had eggs incubating over the summer while I was in AZ, mi mom was SOOO worried about mi eggs because she saw only black, and she wanted to dump the batch!!! When I came home, I showed her that they were growing chickies!!

Dont worry, they are growing, give them time, they are only babies.

Fresh Eggs
If you saw the chick developing at around 10 days, really you will not be able to see a whole lot with brown eggs. You may have to use a mor powerful light source. After awhile all you really see is a big blob in the egg. What is important to see is the air pocket at the top (big end) of the egg. If you have this you will more than likely get a live chick.

Watch for peeps !! What method are you using ? Are you using the egg carton method or are you lying the eggs in the bator.

Good luck with your babies.
That is good news I was a little worried about them but I do have nice looking air sacs in there that is on thing I can see in all of them. As for the method, I am using the still air LG 9200 and the eggs are laying flat and are turned 3 times a day. Thanks for your input:)

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