When should I expect my first egg??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 28, 2009
My girls were sent to me on June 24(I picked them up as day old chicks). I have barred rocks, americanas and buff orphingtons. Total of 12? I just want tot make sure they are all right:) Thanks
I'm no eggspert but, we got our girls in May and the first started laying Octoeber 26th. The second started on November 15. Look for the comb to turn bright red and an increased interest in the nesting box. My guess is that you will have the thrill of your first eggs in a couple of weeks. Hang in there and keep checking the nests.

I think your birds are fine. I got my day olds on May 22nd and got my first egg at 20 weeks. I too have Barred rocks, orpington's and ee's. I have 15 birds and my high egg count so far was 9 eggs for one day. Still waiting on some birds to start. I think you'll see eggs soon.

I got 12 Plymouth Barr Rocks last November (2008) and they started laying towards the middle of April. They ranged from 21 to 26 weeks before they started laying. Then, when they started, they were laying these little bird looking eggs. Now they are laying Jumbo size eggs.

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