When to help with a hatch......


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Okay,,,I know I've seen so many post this message but now it's ME so I can't remember anything!!
It's day 20 for my first batch of eggs. The first one pipped through it's shell this morning and has a small little hole in it and has made no changes since this morning.
The second egg which was also pipped through this morning is now almost completely broken in half. It's cracked a big circle all around the whole egg. It's about ready to come out I think but hasn't quite gotten there yet. You can see the chicken looking out and peeping. Soooo cute!!
Question,,,,,since #2 is doing so well, should I just leave it alone or help it along the way. Also #1 has not made any progress since this morning. Is it still alive?
By the way,,,there are also now 2 more eggs which have started pipping just barely. I will leave them alone.
I have not lifted the lid since this morning at all but it is so tempting to want to help even though everything I read said not to. Then there are people on here who say they do help along their chicks very carefully and all goes well. My question,,,when to help,,,when not help.....
I will post a picture as soon as first one makes it out this evening. Julie

Leave those first two alone. Knowing when to help takes more than just hatch day as a consideration on when to intervene. The peep that pipped on day 20 may not have all of its yolk absorbed, the membrane veins may not have all closed up yet. Stepping in too soon can result in death of the peep. On a day 20 chick I will leave it alone for at least 24 hours after externally pipping.

Some of the thing I listen for is the chick calling in distress, that can be a good indicator that it is stuck and can not get out. That usually does not happen until its been pipped for a while and the membrane has dried to much for it to manuver.
If the membrane should become too dry for the chick to escape, use a eye dropper with warm water and apply to the inside of the shell. It's best to allow the chick to escape by itself, it builds strength and is normal to take 12 to 24 hours.

Thanks Robin! I won't touch it! #2 has come along ways since this morning. Has made a lot more progress than I thought it would in a day. #1 though hasn't moved but I will wait....wait...wait. Like I said,,,in addition to those 2 I have 2 more that have started their first pipping. So exciting! I can't hardly stay out of that room! Oh those sweet little sounds I just want to cuddle and kiss'em.
Now,,,after a chick is completely hatched, it stays in there until it's completely dry which can be up 24 hours at most right? Or is it usually how long? How long does the drying process usually take? Thanks for your help! Julie
Chicks often times do well on their own. But some, just need that little extra. First check your humidity and see if it is on target of 65 to 70%. If it is then just listen and peep to the chicks they like that, it encourages them to work harder. If the one chick after 12 hours sounds weaker than normal, then I would help it. Because, sometimes the membrane can be extra tough. It isn't supposed to be but some can be and its no ones fault. Also some of them can dry around the chick killing it.

I personally have peeled out my chicks when that happens and they end up fine. Some even though I peeled them out they still hadn't absorbed the yolk. There are many reasons why they don't do well, or die. There are all sorts of situations when chicks are being hatched.

Just follow your heart. If it dies then don't feel guilty, if it lives then you have a new chicky and congrats are in order.

Good luck on your hatch.

Oh you guys are so great! No one likes to be alone during a birth!! Yall are my only contact of friends who can help! I haven't touched either egg since. Chick # 2 has his foot stuck out of the egg and his beak is right beside it. Do you think his little foot is going to get too hot or too dry sticking out like that? He isn't moving as much now and isn't chirping as it was. Should I add a drop of water to it's foot or anything? Sweet little footsie..........
Just leave them be. Try to relax a bunch, they will take care of this on their own.

I started this hatching thing a year ago December, I've filled my coop several times just with peeps I hatched from the bator. The most important thing is to leave it alone as much as possible at this point and let them do their thing.

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