When to intervene: chick has not made any progress for 24+ hours

Amy's Animals

10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Southern Oregon
One of the eggs zipped 36 hours ago. It's been zipping for more than 24 hours but hasn't made any progress since it started. The humidty and temperature are the way they're suppose to be. I may mention it's hatching near the small end of the egg, not the large. It's beak is sticking out but no progress. Should I be concerned? Will I have to intervene? Thank you

Oh, and the chick is alive because I can see it breathe and it moves around.
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Whether to intervene in a hatch is a personal decision, and there are folks in the forum who fall on both sides. My own preference is to CAREFULLY intervene at 24 hours if there is a pip with no further progress.

There are lots of tips on the forum on how to do this. The important things are to 1) move slowly; 2) keep the shell membrane moist (I use warm damp washcloth); 3) do not accidentally injure bird; 4) stop if there is any bleeding from shell membrane blood vessels.

For my own hatchlings I would gently chip a "pip line" around the shell where they would have done it. I use tweezers for this. I then lay the egg back on the damp washcloth and encourage the chick to emerge on its own.

Good luck! I'm sure others will have helpful suggestions here.
ditto!^^^ Im in the same boat with my thread, except i did not have the will power to wait as long as you did. But i found that the chick is in an awkward position, so maybe it's good i found out as early as i did, who knows!!! All i know is that im sweating bullet's, and i feel your pain! good luck!
im glad we intervened!
the membrane had dried right around the chick and it was stuck to the chick. We managed to free him though using warm water and tweezers. I put him back in the bator
I have 3 Dels that I just put in the brooder and 4 that are pecking there way out and this is killing me!!!
I just want to help them but I know better for now...
Great job....I had to help 3 out this week myself. Bator ran dry over night and 3 had "dried membranes" the next morning and were stuck tight. I got all 3 out and all 3 are doing great.

You done good!!!

I hate to think of a chick "dying" because it couldn't get out if I'm around to see it and at least give it a fighting chance.
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This is my 1st hatch in 28 years I had to move to the city for work, done that and retired at 30 years of service and now I am back on the farmin life for good! I for got how much fun it can be but a lot of work too.

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