When will they start laying?


5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
I have a mixed flock; two RIR, two Wyandottes, one Golden Comet and I think my Buff Orp is a rooster...so question...about when will these guys start laying? They are almost 16 weeks now. Thank you
I bought mine at a day old mid April and they were laying by mid-september. Barred rock, wyandotte, buff orpington and an Ameraucana. (5 months? 20 weeks? It's so exciting when you find that first one! I went out of town and came back to find 8 eggs!
I've had all of those breeds (Golden Comets are actually Red Sex Link hybrids) at one time or another over the past 50 years and most of them have started laying from 20-24 weeks (a few a little earlier, an occasional one a little later). You should be getting the first eggs within the next month.

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