Where did I go?


confidently clueless
13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Shepherdstown, WV
This is odd... I was reading/cruising through the new posts, and saw one asking "what time it it?" Clicked on it and landed in an auction for a watch. Again a mention of Holle (been trying to figure what or who Holle is since the other night when there was a post mentioning raising funds for Holle).
So I look over the auction, no clues to who/what Holle is (a peacock?) or why people are bidding on some watch with little or no description.
Try to leave and find myself in a different BackYardChickens, with a chat room of folks talking about chickens, I think, except the conversation makes no sense at all. They all said hello to me and I hung around for a couple of minutes until I realized I felt like Alice falling in the rabbit hole. It was in english, but I just didn't get it! Obviously I came into an ongoing conversation, but this was almost alien!
Get me back, get me back! I kept clicking the 'BackYardChickens" link, but though it looked like our forum, it wasn't! I expected Rod Steiger to pop out from the screen and tell me I fell into another dimension.
Was I in the EZBoard I've heard of?
What's up with the auction for Holle?
Who or what is Holle?

(There's no place like home, there's no place like home....wait, now I mixing up my movies)
No, no chat! It really didn't make any sense at all, and everyone was typing way too fast, you couldn't even get a question in!!
Really, what is Holle???
Mudhen, I had the exact same experience. Maybe it's just something that happens to West Virginians? Some kind of break in the Space Time continuum? And I don't know who or what Holle is, either.


Edited to add: but I tried to subscribe to that topic, and I had trouble; I'm not sure it would let me. It was about an auction for Marans' eggs... in Bizarro World...
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If you just sit in the chat-room and watch.. it's like practice! Throw out a question, and they'll help while you get used to the sceme of things! Those folks were all "new" once, too! They understand if you're finding it hard to keep up, and most will slow down for you! It just takes getting used to - that's all!
Tain't nuthin' ta do with bein' Wes' Virginian!

Wolf of the Virginia Foothills
Er, Mudhen and I aren't new, if you look at the number of posts we've had.


The question had to do with the fact that a topic got posted with no explanatory background, Wolf.
Muddy, it's Rod Serling not Rod Steiger...
You probably did end up on the other BYC. Most of us, me included, post both places...
As for the Holle, auction...oops...
Some of us older BYC'ers have been doing auctions to help pay some of Kansas Medic's daughter Holle's medical bills. I've donated some of my DreamWebs, Counselor5 has donated a diamond ring and now some watches and, another person who's name escapes me, has donated a quilt.

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