Where did the bar go to add a picture to a reply ?

7L Farm

9 Years
Jul 22, 2010
Anderson, Texas
Its suddenly gone. I can reply but have no idea how to add a picture. Am I loosing my mind are did yall change this ? I looked & looked but the little bar is gone. It took me forever to learn this a few years back & then it was changed again & had to learn how to again & now again O lord. Yall gotta understand I'm old school we had black & white TV when I was a kid there was no such thing as a computer. Catch my drift.
it's there on my reply
Guess my computer is broken. I hit post reply which I just did & it says content & here I am typing this but there's no place that says add image are the little icon that I use to hit that said insert image its gone. The bar it had 15 different options across the top. I swear its gone.
This happens now and then; it's happened to me once or twice, I had no idea why, and it just went away. And it's difficult to run down. It's not BYC-wide, obviously. You can try emptying your cache and deleting your cookies, then rebooting again. One person said it happened to them on a day their internet was slow, then went away the next day.

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