Where did you get your chickens' names

John Robert with Maxine, Sophie and Lucille

We have 22 hens-(3 definately- they are laying-the rest (19) are only 10 weeks old). The elder hens are a BO- Sophie(soft&Sweet), a Super-White - Lucille(ooomph after the song&layshuge eggs) and a Dominque- Maxine(after the comic strip charactor, a bit of an attitude). Our elder Roo, a mixed cochin bantom, is John Robert after my friend's dad who was fond of this cute lil guy before she gave him to us.
I don't know that I'll name the rest unless it comes to me with true endearments of personality and/or performance. I love them all however and am still not 100% on the gender ...except I do have three wonderful and super friendly Red Star chicks. These chicks are color-gender specific and I am giving them some name consideration - Lynn
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Mom and Dad have a mean rooster that is the low man on the totem pole and has only 2 feathers in his tail so of course we call him...2 Feathers. I think they are going to have 2 Feather soup soon.
We named 2 of our roosters off of characters off of HBO's Deadwood. Sweagin and Woo. We have a hen named Trixie. The Ducks names are Rick and Mark (from Steel Magnolias) Oh, and the two Golden Campines are Fern and Ski. Fern has green legs and Ski has Blue legs. I have alot more chickens, but they don't have names. I also have a really mean hen. Her name can't be repeated on this board:(
We had fun naming ours. The Buffs are Thing 1 and Thing 2, from Cat in the Hat. Too much alike to have specific names. After watching an Americauna chick pick the Silkies up by their toe fur and toss them around, I named her Ms. Pecker (Ms P for short). The other Ameracauna is Daisy Mae because it seemed like a good country-girl name.
My daughters each named their Silkies. Cassie named her blue Misa after a character Cassie writes stories about. The storybook Misa is a mouse, but that's okay...
My teen was going to name her black Silkie 'Floopy'. But after some debate HuffPuff was the winning name. It's Kerry's Hamtaro nickname from childhood.
We were sent an extra black Silkie and it was promptly named Fred in honor of a teen neighbor. Rachel names anything she finds Fred, including caterpillars, sticks, and pretty rocks.
All of my chicks were named after other 'cool chicks.' I have Aretha Franklin (blact star 1), Elvira (SLW), Stevie Nicks (or Stevie Picks for fun, my Dellie), Lil' Kim (black star 2 who was runty as a baby), Goldie Hawn (Golden Campine who ended up being a roo), and 'Teensy' Tina Turner (my black silkie that passed away.)

Since then, Goldie Hawn has become Cap'n Jack Sparrow because when he runs, it totally reminds me of Johnnie Depp in the Pirates movies. It just suits him perfectly somehow--he has the same persona.

The new Silkie I got a few weeks ago was immediately christened as Charro (although I think the proper spelling is Charo). Don't know exactly what it was about her, but I just knew immediately that it had to be her name. Now she responds more to 'coochie coochie' than her actual name. I speak to her in a Spanish accent and I'm sure everyone thinks I've completely lost the plot. She loves it though, I'm sure of it!
Mine are:

Dot - Named "DotHead" by my husband. She's a barred rock and had a white dot on her head.

Kashi - Named by my kids who like Kashi granola bars.

Kitty Cat - Named by my husband because he said she looked like a cat when she was a baby.

Zephyr - Named by me. I wanted to name by son Zephyr and my husband was having none of that (He ended up being Hayden).

Phoenix - Named by me. I wanted to name my daughter Phoenix, but again, my husband was having none of that either (she ended up being Zoe).

Mama Fuzzy Pants - Named by my husband. She's a silver laced Cochin, so you know - feather legs.

Spider Prince - Named by my kids. He's a silver penciled Polish whom we were hoping would be a girl. Originally he was Spider Princess because my son wanted to name him Spiderman and my daughter wanted to name him Princess so that's what we came up with. Of course we had to adjust it when we found out "she" is a he.

Oh I wish I had more chickens! I need a farm
I SO know what you mean about needing a farm. DH just sighs and rolls his eyes when I talk about more chickens, a bee hive, a goat...
I really REALLY want to hatch some babes in an incubator but I know he'd freak. He already grouses because my 4 layers ended up with 3 Silkie buddies. Gonna have to see if someone out there wants me to hatch and raise babies for them!

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